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Medical Assistant Research Guide

Research Guide for Medical Assistant students

Citation Help

Need APA or MLA Help?

Select the appropriate Citation Style on the left.

Citation Check

  • If you'd like someone to look over your citations, the librarian can help. Email your Works Cited or References a few days before it's due to
  • Your instructor may have very specific citation expectations, so be sure to consult him or her as well!

Need help with your writing?

  • Visit the Writing Lab, online or in-person in Library & Tutoring Services (A-1100).
  • Writing tutors can help you with citations, grammar, and other writing skills.

APA Style

APA stands for American Psychological Association, a professional group that sets guidelines for citing sources in psychology, nursing, and other fields.

The guides below will help you with APA Style.

MLA Style

Based on the MLA Handbook, 9th Edition. 

The guides below will help you with MLA Style citations.

Citing Articles from EBSCO Host and Online

Use online citation tools!
Citing online articles can be a little tricky.
Get some help from your online search system!
Here's how:

  1. Use automatically-generated citations: Article database systems like EBSCO Host generate sample citations for their articles.
  2. Check your automatic citations: Automatically-generated citations often contain errors. Be sure to check them for accuracy using either your student writer's handbook, or an online tool like Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).