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ENG 283 - Images of Women

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Read magazine articles first!

Don't know much about your topic?
EBSCO Host can be overwhelming!
Try starting with the magazine articles. Here's how it works:
  • Academic (or "scholarly") journal articles are excellent sources, but they're written by experts with doctoral degrees, so they can be very complicated. If you're a newbie to your topic, they might not be the place to start.
  • Magazine articles are written by journalists, who summarize and simplify complex information for a non-expert reading audience. So magazine articles can be a great introduction to your topic.
  • Try the magazine articles first! When you're more familiar with your topic, you can read the scholarly articles.
  • To see only magazine articles in EBSCO Host, click Magazines under "source type" on the left side of the search screen.

Need scholarly articles? Try Google Scholar!

Need scholarly articles?  Try Google Scholar!

Google Scholar Search