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Library Services


A guide for accessing and using NoodleTools, a citation and note-taking software.


NoodleTools is an exciting service that streamlines the process of citing, organizing, and note taking sources for academic papers.

Benefits to using NoodleTools:

  • Generate citations for your sources as you gather them and keep them in once place.
  • Auto-formatting for citations based on information provided
  • Note taking and Annotating capabilities
  • Ability to share and collaborate with Teachers and fellow students
  • Tools for organizing your sources and notes

To get started, click the "Accessing NoodleTools" heading on the left-hand side.


This guide is organized into four sections:

  • "Accessing NoodleTools", which provides information about getting to the NoodleTools site and registering an account.
  • "Using NoodleTools", which provides general guides about using different parts of the NoodleTools software.
  • "Exporting From NoodleTools", which shows how to export your Sources and Notecards from NoodleTools.
  • "Video Tutorials", which has a series of video tutorials on using NoodleTools.

Link to Citation Help