Service Alert
· 25-minute sessions teaching research skills
· Held in the Library's classroom A-1102, your classroom, or Zoom
· Choose one or more to fit your class period and instructional needs
Request a Research Instruction Workshop
Select location for workshop (on campus or Zoom)
Select appointment type: Research Instruction Workshop
Library 101
This workshop introduces students to our library and its services, such as the Library's website, library catalog, article databases, and Interlibrary Loan.
In this workshop, students will learn how to use EBSCO Host and other online search tools to find both popular and scholarly literature. The learning activity covers search strategies and guidance for citing online articles.
Students create citations using MLA, APA, or CSE Style and receive immediate feedback. Librarians will provide a variety of source types for students to practice with.
Students will learn what constitutes academic dishonesty and will practice paraphrasing source material in order to avoid plagiarism.
Request a customized workshop just for your students! Simply contact Carol directly.
Carol Wubbena
Office: A1112 (in the Library)
(815) 825-9544
Frances Whaley
Office: A1113 (in the Library)
(815) 825-9499
Are your students needing to improve their research skills? Tired of seeing website articles on their Works Cited pages? Are you spending too much time directing your students to Google Scholar or the Library databases? Perhaps an embedded librarian is just what you need for your class. What does an embedded librarian do?
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If you think any of these activities would help your students succeed in your class, contact Carol for more info