Tim Lockman
Instructional Designer
For help with course design, creating course content, and professional development, please contact Tim at tlockman@kish.edu or schedule an appointment below.
Mary Smith
Instructional Technologist
For assistance with instructional technology, contact Mary Smith, msmith22@kish.edu
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Join us for a discussion on Chapter 10 of Saundra Yancy McGuire's book, Teach Students How to Learn. This chapter emphasizes the importance of collaborating with your campus learning center to enhance student success. We will explore various learning strategies, ways to cultivate positive mindsets, effective exam preparation tips, and time management techniques. Come prepared to discuss how these resources and strategies can be leveraged to support students in 01/21/2025 achieving their academic goals. Soup will be served! This session will be facilitated by Kishwaukee Tutoring Manager, Stephen Arves.
Asynchronous Online Tutorials Offered by MetaLab at Harvard
This series of self-paced tutorials were designed for faculty and provides resources and suggestions as to how faculty can promote AI literacy, prevent its misuse, and how we can use it to assist with the more tedious aspects of teaching.
Here are some further professional development activities for Kish faculty.
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The ICTL website is a central hub for Kishwaukee College faculty to explore best practices in course design, learn about instructional technology, and find webinars and other on-demand professional development. Created and managed by Tim Lockman, Instructional Designer.