D2L Brightspace Tools
Helpful tools that are built into our Learning Management System
Video Note
Video Note is a webcam recording tool built into D2L Brightspace. You can use it to make announcements, introduce weekly content, create assignment prompts, and provide video feedback to students.
Quick Eval
This tool makes grading in D2L faster. Here's more information and a video introduction from Instructional Designer Tim Lockman.
Brightspace Templates - Now available in Spring 2025 courses
Templates are an efficient way to create visually interesting, consistent, content pages for use in Brightspace courses. The use of templates to create consistently formatted Brightspace content pages for course and instructor introductions, and providing module outcomes is a key step in meeting the Quality Matters Rubric’s standards.
A wider range of Brightspace templates are now available for use in Brightspace. Please be aware templates should be applied to new content and should not be applied to existing content.
Creating Brightspace Pages with Templates
Photos and Banner Images to Enhance Brightspace Content Pages
A shared folder containing a number of pictures that were provided by the Kish Marketing department is available at the link below. All of the images are sized appropriately for use as content page banners. The folder may be downloaded, unzipped and the image files added to content pages to add color and visually interest to content pages.
Photos and Banner Images for Download