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Innovation Center for Teaching & Learning

Resources and professional development for Kishwaukee College faculty

Instructional Design Help

Tim Lockman
Instructional Designer

Tim Lockman smiling at a desk with a microphone

For help with course design, creating course content, and professional development, please contact Tim at or schedule an appointment below. 

Instructional Technology Help

Mary Smith

Instructional Technologist

Mary Smith profile

For assistance with instructional technology, contact Mary Smith,

Two pairs of Kish faculty working together at a table

Fall 2024 Event Schedule

Upcoming Events

ProDev at Kishwaukee College

Make Your Course Accessible with Ally

This session has been canceled but will be rescheduled, once the Ally accessibility tools are available.

Ally is a tool designed to help tackle accessibility in a way that benefits all students, providing them feedback and support to make content more inclusive and equitable.  Join us for this introduction to Ally and its integration within D2L Brightspace.


Metacognition:  What It Is and How It Helps Students Become Independent Learners (Book Discussion, Ch 3)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 12:30-1:30 A2216 or Zoom

Metacognitive strategies can help students study and learn effectively on their own.  In this session we'll discuss the concept of metacognition and why these strategies can help our students learn more effectively and independently.  Soup will be served!  Discussion led by Taylor Walrath, Assistant Professor of Psychology.

ProDev Elsewhere

What are Regular and Substantive Interactions in Online Courses?

 - Google Outlook iCal

Explore ways to increase interactivity and engagement within your online courses, while also meeting federal regulations for distance education. Regular and substantive interaction (RSI) is a federal requirement for all online courses that distinguishes “distance education” from “correspondence education.” Come and learn what constitutes RSI and how you can build RSI into your courses to increase interactivity and engagement.

More information and how to attend

Other ICTL Activities

Here are some further professional development activities for Kish faculty. 

What's On This Site?

  • Course Design: Designing online courses, Flex courses, and Quality Matters guidance
  • Teaching Tips: Teaching online, best practices in teaching, tips for new teachers, and podcasts on teaching
  • Technology for Teaching: How to use Zoom, Echo360, Camtasia, and more 
  • Recorded Events: ICTL event recordings and other on-demand learning opportunities 

Can't Find It? Try the search box at the top of this page!

Site Purpose

The ICTL website is a central hub for Kishwaukee College faculty to explore best practices in course design, learn about instructional technology, and find webinars and other on-demand professional development. Created and managed by Tim Lockman, Instructional Designer.