Service Alert
It is generally recommended to meet with a tutor after you have attempted to use the technology but still need assistance.
Other times you might want to meet with a Technology tutor:
Note: CIS and OS students, to ensure that your tutor is able to help you with your specific course, please select Tutoring rather than Technology Assistance and then select your class.
Technology tutors cannot help with programming or coding. To ensure that your tutor can help you with your specific CIS course, please select Tutoring rather than Technology Assistance when scheduling a tutoring session.
If you need more assistance, please contact your instructor.
Technology tutors can help with formatting and using the system. We can also work with you by giving instructions to help create a project, such as an excel sheet, but we cannot create one for you.
If you need IT support, they are located at A1300. To contact them call 815-825-9888 or email They can help you: