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"10 Minute English" is a set of tutorial video lessons and practice activities created by Kish Tutoring Services. Our goal is to help you learn how to write good sentences, paragraphs, thesis statements, and basic 5-paragraph essays. Each lesson builds on the lesson before it. Please consider meeting with a Kish Writing Lab tutor for additional help.
This 7 video series goes over common fallacies that are used when making arguments such as:
To select a specific video, hover over the left or right-hand side of the image until you see the next arrow, which will allow you to move to the next video. Click on the video you want to watch and a new window will open.
We do have a Speech Lab tutor to help you with your presentation content and delivery. However, we know sometimes it's just hard to coordinate people to get them in one place.
We have a few resources available below to help you schedule audiences or study rooms for your live speech requirement. Always ask your teacher if you need more help!